The Longest Shortest Time

MadLib #138

Our podcast is made possible with support by Claire and her son, who have struggled with not murdering each other and have thoroughly enjoyed eating ice cream for dinner. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #137

Our podcast is made possible with support by Jill and her daughter Laney, who have struggled with staying in the same clothes for more than two weeks and have thoroughly enjoyed laughing together. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #136

Our podcast is made possible with support by Katie and her daughter Kyla, who have struggled with sleeping and have thoroughly enjoyed dancing. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #135

Our podcast is made possible with support by Stacey and her daughter Sophie , who have struggled with sleeplessness and knotty hair and have thoroughly enjoyed the park, music class, and the beach. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #134

Our podcast is made possible with support by Vickie Moskowitz and her daughter-in-law Caitlin, who have struggled with bedtime and have thoroughly enjoyed random kisses and hugs. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #133

Our podcast is made possible with support by Audrey Rocha and her son Christian, who have struggled with eating something other than hot dogs and chicken tenders and have thoroughly enjoyed playing in the ran and splashing through puddles/span>. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #132

Our podcast is made possible with support by Karina Linch and her sons Max and Sam, who have struggled with a zombie obsession and have thoroughly enjoyed living in a commune. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #131

Our podcast is made possible with support by Kimberly and her son Simon, who have struggled with going to bed and have thoroughly enjoyed seeing who can make the weirdest laugh. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.