Audience favorite Ellen Kecskemethy is back, with two pieces of *new* news.
Hear her old news in the rest of our I’ve Got News series below. NOTE: There is a small amount of cursing in this episode, and some of the others. (One key player in the series is an actual sailor.)
Ellen and her dad Tom, the aforementioned sailor
Ellen with her boyfriend Tim and their daughter Fiona, also pictured above with grampa’s glasses
I’ve Got News (a prequel to the series!)
Tom finds out his wife is pregnant while he’s at sea and just a few years later, to his surprise, becomes a stay-at-home dad.
I’ve Got News, Too
That surprise baby grows up and has a surprise pregnancy of her own. In this episode, she talks about delivering the news to her parents.
I’ve Got News 3
Tom receives Ellen’s news.
I’ve Got News 4
Two weeks before their due date, Ellen and her boyfriend reflect on the game of Being Awesome at Being Adult.
I’ve Got News 5
We conclude the “I’ve Got News” series with the birth of Ellen’s baby … and the project Tom took on to cope.
Did YOU have a surprise pregnancy? Or were you an oops baby?
Tell us all about it, and how it’s impacted your life. Down in the comments.
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