Recently some really nice reviews have been popping up for LST in iTunes. This one particularly caught my eye:
First of all, michelle0022 (and everyone else who wrote reviews), thank you so much for your kind words. Secondly, things have been a little slower over here lately in terms of production because I have been working hard to figure out how to make this project sustainable. There are some ideas I have that I can not share with you yet, and one of those ideas may involve listeners pitching in a bit. But in the meantime, you can show the people who have the power to make the podcast more frequent and long-lasting that you support LST by doing a few things:
It has been challenging to find time to produce this podcast, being at home full-time with my daughter. But she is about to start a part-time pre-school program and I am going to have more time to work. I very much hope that that work will be an expanded version of what I’ve been doing with LST since January. I truly appreciate the support you all have shown for this project—and believe me, every little bit does help!
OK, more content soon. I’m very excited about our next episode. Hint: it’s with a dad.
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