Over the weekend, the coolest thing happened: Cara, a member of our non-judgy Facebook group for moms, organized a meetup in the Bay Area for Longest Shortest Time fans. I FaceTimed in to say hi and they showed me their idyllic little picnic setup, while I showed them the north Jersey parking lot where I was leaving a birthday party. (Sorry, you only get a picture of the San Fran crowd, not the parking lot.)
Turns out all of the families who showed up were strangers to each other before meeting that day, but they hit it off! I asked Cara to send me some of the highlights. Here’s what she said:
1. Localized advice! From breastfeeding-friendly SF hospitals to where to pump at the UCSF campus (where 2 of the 5 mamas who came both work).
2. No judging. Just like on Facebook.
3. Two of the babies showed up in handmade sweaters. It was as cute as it sounds.
Make your own non-judgy meetup!
People all over the country have been inspired by Cara and are planning their own local meetups within our Facebook group. Don’t see one in your area? Start one of your own! It’s easy. Just create a new event within the group and tell people where you want to gather. Dads, you can organize, too! You partner will love you for it. Just go to our Papas group.
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