The Longest Shortest Time

I Talk Natural Birth with Brian Lehrer

In honor of Mother’s Day (and my recent partnership with WNYC), I go on the Brian Lehrer Show to talk about what I’ve learned from digging deep into my own birth story and interviewing Ina May Gaskin. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

EPISODE #29: The Shortest Day

Poet Arielle Greenberg’s son Day dies 31 weeks into her pregnancy. At which point, she makes a whole bunch of choices that not many women would make, so she can emerge from stillbirth not completely broken. And . . . it works. Part 3 of a three-part series on natural birth.

EPISODE #28: The Missing Chapter to Ina May’s Guide

I tell the mother of modern midwifery that she has let me down. **If you wanted a natural birth and didn’t get one, leave a comment on this blog post for Ina May Gaskin.** Part 2 of a three-part series on natural birth.

EPISODE #27: Rewriting Your Birth Story

Join me as I attempt to rewrite my traumatic birth story, four years after the fact. Part 1 of a three-part series on natural birth.

In Andromeda

This is probably going to be a controversial topic with LST-ers, but for any of you who have ever felt betrayed by the natural/home birth movement, you must, must, must read Brenda Shaughnessy’s poem “Our Andromeda” from her book of the same title. I talked in episode 4 about feeling like I had failed at […]

EPISODE #12: I’ve Got News

A newly married guy finds out his wife is pregnant while he’s at sea and just a few years later, to his surprise, becomes a stay-at-home dad.

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy

Yesterday I interviewed Kate Bowman-Johnston, who recently wrote an article on LST for Catapult magazine. In the article she mentions a song from her childbirth mix that made her cry often after her daughter Adelle was born. It reminded me of the mix that I’d made for Sasha’s arrival. Before things went awry, I got […]

EPISODE #8: Would’ve Been the Mean Mommy

An unexpected tragedy turns a mean mommy into a laid back one.