The Longest Shortest Time

Drawing Obsession: Flushing

She gives in to underpants. And learns to float!

Jumping In

About a month ago another mom and I signed our daughters up for kid-only swim classes, which you can start taking at our Y once you turn three. Sasha and her pal turned three just two days apart, and they had both been in the same mommy & me class for awhile. They were also […]

The Power of Three

Sasha turned three last week—three!—and while one and two felt like a big deal because they were new numbers, three has meant something entirely different. It has meant growing up. To Sasha. A ton of huge things happened the week three hit. First dentist appointment, first swimming lesson without Mom. But let us begin with […]

Doing Nothing = Something

When Sasha was six months old I enrolled her in a YMCA swim class that turned out to be taught by a woman who acted more like a high school coach than an instructor of babies. “C’mon, Sasha, kick! Lemme see those legs move!” she’d bark. When met with a stony baby stare she’d chide, […]