The Longest Shortest Time

EPISODE #82: There’s No Place That’s Home

In this update, Wicked makeup artist Christina Tracey talks about settling down after two decades on the road. Plus her recent relapses.

EPISODE #75: Outnumbered by Animals

Frannie thought being a farming mom would mean strapping her baby to her back and fertilizing the soil with her milk. But the pigs had other ideas.

EPISODE #57: Sixty-Five Women and a Baby

Remember Three Men and a Baby? Imagine if there were sixty-five of them. But college girls.

EPISODE #44: There’s No Place That’s Home

Dreading a long holiday drive with the kids? Imagine if your whole life was on the road. That’s how it is for makeup artist Christina Tracey, who tours with the Broadway show Wicked, and brings her toddler along.