The Longest Shortest Time

MadLib #56

Our podcast is made possible with support by Juliana Cardoso and her daughter Bia, who have struggled with waiting for anything and have thoroughly enjoyed chowing down cookies and going to the farmers market. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #55

Our podcast is made possible with support by Kathleen and her son Eli, who have struggled with sleeping through the night and have thoroughly enjoyed bath time. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

APM’s Healthy States Features Us

APM’s Healthy States features my episode about trying to rewrite my birth story.

MadLib #54

Our podcast is made possible with support by Jessica Jeeves and her daughter Maggie Bee Carty, who have struggled with getting dressed, eating, LOUD TALKING, foot stamping, not sharing, sitting on baby brother, clucking like a chicken when people say hello and have thoroughly enjoyed snuggling in bed together every morning of her life. As […]

MadLib #53

Our podcast is made possible with support by Meisha Lohmann and her son Everett, who have struggled with a new baby on the way and have thoroughly enjoyed learning and playing. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

Talk to Me + a Kids’ Sleep Expert on Brian Lehrer

This Wednesday: Your chance to ask a pediatric sleep expert about your kid’s weird sleep habits!

Rap That Won’t Corrupt Your Kid

Rap scholar Mickey Hess shares his (pretty much) safe-for-kids hip-hop playlist.

MadLib #52

Our podcast is made possible with support by Anna Neuzil and her daughters Gracie & Zella, who have struggled with homework and agreeing on what to eat for dinner and have thoroughly enjoyed hanging upside down on the monkey bars. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.