The Longest Shortest Time

EPISODE #12: I’ve Got News

A newly married guy finds out his wife is pregnant while he’s at sea and just a few years later, to his surprise, becomes a stay-at-home dad.

EPISODE #11: Nap Boot Camp

An exasperated mom decides that her daughter WILL nap in her crib by the end of the week.

EPISODE #10: My Newborn, the A**hole

My friend Kristin and I reminisce over our frequent angsty phone calls after our daughters were born. And she reveals something to me she’s never told me before.

EPISODE #9: The Emperor’s New Onesie

First it was bathing suits, then jackets and sweaters. Then underpants. How far would Joyce’s daughter take this anti-clothes thing?

EPISODE #8: Would’ve Been the Mean Mommy

An unexpected tragedy turns a mean mommy into a laid back one.

EPISODE #7: Nurse, Get the Handcuffs

Thirty-four years after having me, my mom breaks down for the first time over not being able to breastfeed me.

EPISODE #6: Endangered Sea Turtle, Yum

A vegetarian of 22 years decides that the way to fix her son’s umbilical hernia is to start eating meat.

EPISODE #5: Kittens Can Do It, so Why Can’t We?

A mom who finds breastfeeding stressful discovers that a machine helps her feel closer to her son.