We spend all year looking forward to our annual #LSTHalloween costume contest — and guys, you really delivered this season! Here are this year’s winners!
Cesar Chavez and Sonia Sotomayor
A mini-civil rights champion AND a pint-sized Supreme Court justice!
Photo and costumes by @sandielunanyc
Swan dresses will always be a fashion statement.
Photo and costume by @sew_talitha_sew
Marie Antoinette and Prince Elliott
Look at that hair! Can you believe this is all handmade?
Photo and costumes by @lindsay.westbrook.37
Honorable Mentions
Big thanks to EVERYONE who submitted photos this year! Special shoutouts to:
Jon Snow, Freddie Mercury, and Mr. Rogers!
What were YOUR kids this year? Did you see anything that made you smile extra hard?
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