The Longest Shortest Time

EPISODE #119: Single, Female, Seeking Baby Daddy

My friend Andrea Silenzi makes a podcast called Why Oh Why. It’s about dating and relationships. Andrea takes all kinds of risks on the show—in her writing and her subject matter—and she allows herself to be vulnerable on mic in a way that I don’t hear very often. In fact, I love Andrea’s work so much that I recently came on as her editor. Here we are onstage at her live event last fall.

In this episode, we delve into Andrea’s personal dating life. She’s newly single, living in New York, and seeking what seems to be a rare beast: a guy who wants kids. To help Andrea out, I encouraged her to set up a focus group with single guys who want to be dads. I figured it was good, ahem, research.

Join us for some real-talk with Andrea and seven dudes with strong paternal instincts… and a strange obsession with braces.

More Why Oh Why
Subscribe to Andrea’s podcast, or start with two of our favorite episodes:
#12: Oblique Strategies
#24: Tips from a Gentleman

Have you felt YOUR biological clock ticking while dating?
Or maybe you’ve broken up with someone because you didn’t see eye to eye on the kids thing? Share, please! (Also seeking dates for Andrea. Haha, JK. Sorta.)

Focus group photo: Efim Shapiro

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