The Longest Shortest Time

We Can’t Stop: Escape Artist Edition

You may remember, the last time I talked about sleep, we were dealing with the complications of removing the side from Sasha’s crib and her realization that this meant she could get out of her room . . . as often as she’d like. After processing what was going on through drawings, things settled down […]

We Can’t Stop: Creative Arithmetic Edition

The first birthday that I was old enough to answer the question, “What do you want for a present?” I am told that I said, “Some string.” I’m not sure what I planned on doing with the string but I remember thinking of all forms of craft supplies—brightly colored tape, rubber bands, glue, shoe boxes—as […]

We Can’t Stop: Sneaky Edition

Sasha loves going to the library. Just not for the books. The library, in her eyes, is made for its tasty lunches (especially pickles!) and its plethora of computer buttons. She’ll sit in the kids’ library going down the line from chair to chair, pushing buttons on every single keyboard. Then she’ll start all over […]

LST Joins Stitcher

Fridays have become our We Can’t Stop Reading days but there’s not much to report this week. It’s been all Madeline all the time. In keeping with Sasha’s obsession with objects disappearing in books, her main interest with Madeline is with Madeline’s empty bed. “Where is the other one?” she asks, then answers her own […]

We Can’t Stop: Tails and Blowholes Edition

Ever since we went to the American Museum of Natural History Sasha has been obsessed with dinosaur tails and whales’ blowholes. She draws them with markers, with bath crayons, on her chalkboard. Really, wherever she can. And she loves a book that gives her the opportunity to talk about those parts of an animal’s anatomy, […]

We Can’t Stop: Missing Edition

If you have a toddler, you probably know this video: Sasha has watched what she calls “Counting to the Number Four” so many times that she can sing it almost word for word the entire way through. And she likes to make her head dance like the “chickens just back from the shore.” Recently, her […]

We Can’t Stop: Sick Day Edition

I think I never feel as much like a *mom* as I do when Sasha is sick. Those days are harder, for sure, what with all the food throwing and screeching and I-want-this-no-I-don’t-want-it-I-WANT-IT-ing. But I also have a definite understanding of where the fury is coming from and because of that it’s easier for me […]

You’re Not Welcome in This Castle

Back before Sasha’s school program started, I took her to an open house for new students. Within the first 10 minutes another little girl had torn a toy drum out of Sasha’s hands. I looked up at the girl’s dad but he didn’t seem to notice, so I tried reasoning with the girl. “Sasha was […]