Anthonia Akitunde went looking for websites about Black working moms that broke stereotypes. She came up empty. So she started her own.
New to our show? Try this playlist of staff faves, for parents and non-parents alike.
One woman’s unusual path toward becoming a single mother by choice.
A starter reading list to help kids sort out mixed ethnicity, and to relate to the diverse kids around them.
A game of got-yer-nose turns racial and a 6-year-old raps to her white mom about not getting her Blackness. Two stories of biracial kids schooling their mamas.
Melinda was always anxious. When she had kids, she became even more anxious. But she kept it secret from everyone, afraid she’d destroy her image as a “model minority.”
When Nicole Blades started a family with a white guy, she knew their kid’s skin color would be lighter than hers. But she didn’t count on people routinely mistaking her for the nanny.
A toddler starts talking, then moves to a new country where she doesn’t know the language. And suddenly the only word she will say anymore is “Mommy.”