The Longest Shortest Time

The Power of Three

Sasha turned three last week—three!—and while one and two felt like a big deal because they were new numbers, three has meant something entirely different. It has meant growing up. To Sasha. A ton of huge things happened the week three hit. First dentist appointment, first swimming lesson without Mom. But let us begin with […]

We Can’t Stop: Skill Building Edition

Over the Christmas break, my husband and I went on a Sasha-less overnight excursion and left Sasha with my parents at their house. This is the second time we’ve done that, but Sasha was too young the first time to remember it. Word has it, she had a blast. Playing on the playground at the […]

Let Me Take That From You

Saturday morning, completely unexpectedly, Sasha stopped nursing. We were down to just one feeding per day and before this weekend she seemed to really be enjoying it. But when I brought her to bed and offered her the boob this time, she did the thing she does when I offer her food she doesn’t want: […]