The Longest Shortest Time

Watch: Ask a Pelvic Floor PT Anything

Our Google Hangout with pelvic floor PT Debra Goldman is now ready for viewing! Props and all!

EPISODE #49: Healing After Childbirth

One brave listener shares her story of giving up on pain-free sex after a childbirth injury; one pelvic floor expert tells us why she doesn’t have to.

Starter Kit: Home Remedies for a Pain-Free Sex Life

While you muster the energy to find a specialist to help heal your childbirth injury, these home remedies will help you feel a little more whole.

Heal Pelvic Pain (Without Surgery!)

I’ve mentioned before that I’m a pretty private person, and that as much as I share on this blog there is plenty about early motherhood that I keep to myself. Because so many people seem to genuinely find solace in the experiences and resources I post here, I’m going to share one of those things […]