The Longest Shortest Time


We’ve got 3 things in the shop: Shot Glass Sets, Big Zippered Totes, and Poop-Themes Onesies.

Shot Glasses
Fill these with your decadence of choice. Chocolate chips. Peanut butter. Guacamole. Or, y’know, the traditional filling.

Buy a set of three!


These babies are BIG. They will they hold all of your crap. Your work crap, your gym crap, your beach crap. Your diapers full of actual crap. And they have a zipper on top so no one will ever see any of that crap! There’s also a built-in zipper pouch to boot. Everyone’s life is made better with zippers, it’s a fact.

Get a big tote!



Speaking of baby crap, we’ve got a series of poop-themed onesies!

Buy them individually at 3-6 months, 6-12 months, and 12-18 months—or get a discount on a set of three!



3-6 months: One day you’ll miss when my poop was yellow.

6-12 months: One day I’ll ruin this outfit with a poopsplosion.

12-18 months: One day I’ll poop in the toilet (for bribes).

Photos except for onesie set: Lindsey Monroe of The Birth Boutique.

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