If you’ve heard our I’ve Got News series, you’ll know Heidi Kecskemethy as the wife who surprised her husband with the news of her pregnancy while he was at sea (he promptly hung up on her)—and as the grandma to her daughter Ellen’s own surprise pregnancy. Lucky for us, Heidi is also a pediatric dietitian, and she will be fielding your kids + eating questions in our upcoming Google+ Hangout on July 16th.
Heidi with her family
Heidi with her granddaughter
Heidi’s Background
Heidi has been a Registered Dietitian for 27 years and is a Board Certified Specialist in pediatric nutrition. She works as a Clinical Research Associate at the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, DE and as a dietitian at the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Philadelphia, PA . She serves as an expert reviewer for the pediatric health site KidsHealth.
Submit your kids + eating questions for Heidi
Want to know the bare minimum of veggies your kid should be eating? Techniques to get them interested in eating them in the first place? How to know if they’re eating enough? How to unconstipate them? Leave your questions for Heidi in the comments, and she might answer them live, in the hangout!
Top photo: Richard Frank
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