The Longest Shortest Time

EPISODE #172: Child-Free… With Children

Even though Glynnis MacNicol doesn’t have kids of her own, her life is far from child-free.

EPISODE #137: Bubble Boy

Gregory Warner and Sana Krasikov have traveled all over the world. Now, they have to help their five-year-old son Joseph adjust to an exotic, foreign culture: his American kindergarten classroom.

EPISODE #82: There’s No Place That’s Home

In this update, Wicked makeup artist Christina Tracey talks about settling down after two decades on the road. Plus her recent relapses.

Speed Dating for Mom Friends: Chicago

We’re taking our signature event, Speed Dating for Mom Friends, to Chicago!

Huff Post Covers Speed Dating for Mom Friends!

Hillary tells the Huffington Post how a “selfish endeavor” led to Speed Dating for Mom Friends. Excerpt below. Full article here. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

Meet ‘Sex on the Living Room Floor’

Our signature cocktail revealed; our house gong acquired. Check out what went down at our recent Speed Dating for Mom Friends events!

Dame Asks If LST Can End the “Mommy Wars”

Dame calls Hillary the leader of the non-judmental motherhood movement! And asks if our podcast has the power to end the “Mommy Wars.”

Etiquette for the Childless Friend

People with kids and people without can’t seem to stay friends very easily. Ask Moxie’s Magda Pecsenye has some advice for keeping your bonds strong.