The Longest Shortest Time

MadLib #100

Our podcast is made possible with support by Maura Deedy and her soon-to-be-born child, who have struggled with gaining weight and have thoroughly enjoyed milkshakes at all meal times and kicks in the ribs. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #99

Our podcast is made possible with support by Anne and her son Isaac, who have struggled with staying in bed after bedtime and have thoroughly enjoyed finding the moon up in the sky whenever possible. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

EPISODE #32: The Reluctant Father & His Wife

The cautionary tale of a photographer who battles his wife’s saccharine love for their daughter with ugly baby pictures.

MadLib #98

Our podcast is made possible with support by Alissa Shipp and her daughter Addie, who have struggled with washing faces and have thoroughly enjoyed chasing each others’ shadows. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #97

Our podcast is made possible with support by Amanda and her husband Jesse, who have struggled with being adults and have thoroughly enjoyed staying up late and eating candy. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #96

Our podcast is made possible with support by Amanda and her daughter Fiona, who have struggled with proper booger disposal and have thoroughly enjoyed trips to the library. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #95

Our podcast is made possible with support by Justine and her mother Ada, who have struggled with technology and have thoroughly enjoyed watching Law & Order. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #94

Our podcast is made possible with support by Rekha Murthy and her daughter Asha, who have struggled with brushing teeth and have thoroughly enjoyed gazing at the moon. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.