The Longest Shortest Time

Leonard Lopate Talks Mom Bragging with Me & Kate

Kate from episodes 31 and 11 joins me on WNYC’s Leonard Lopate Show to talk about how to improve inter-parent communication. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #93

Our podcast is made possible with support by Caitlin and her friend Meghan, who have struggled with finding time to talk on the phone and have thoroughly enjoyed learning to use texts instead. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.

MadLib #92

Our podcast is made possible with support by a mom and her daughters Madeleine & baby, who have struggled with being good girls and have thoroughly enjoyed pizza plops. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest Time earns a small commission from qualifying purchases.