The Longest Shortest Time

EPISODE #122: Surprise!

For some people, parenthood takes a lot of planning; for others… it just sorta sneaks up on them. This week, one woman’s unexpected path to motherhood. Including a long-distance romance, a mysterious illness, and mind-controlling toddlers.

EPISODE #121: Family Jam

It doesn’t matter if you play Americana, hip hop, or death metal—everybody comes from a family of some kind. Hrishikesh Hirway, creator of the podcast Song Exploder, reveals the hidden parenting stories behind some of your favorite popular songs.

EPISODE #120: Eggs Over Freezy

What to do when your biological clock is ticking, and the closest you’ve gotten to parenthood is caring for an elderly chihuahua? One option: egg freezing. We follow a woman through the process to find out if it’s everything it’s, uh, cracked up to be.

EPISODE #119: Single, Female, Seeking Baby Daddy

Andrea Silenzi, host of the podcast Why Oh Why, is single, living in New York, and… looking for a man to be the father of her child. Which is tricky to bring up on a first date. So she did what any girl would do: she organized an aspiring dads focus group.

EPISODE #118: All the Feels with Rob Huebel

Actor and comedian Rob Huebel talks about sneaking onto airplanes, why he doesn’t share a bed with his wife, and what it was like to have their daughter live in the hospital for her first 117 days. And! The best placed fart noise ever.

EPISODE #117: Coming of Age with Down Syndrome

The day Sophie got her period, there were phone calls and high-fives all around. Sophie was psyched. But her mom, author Amy Silverman, felt torn. What does it mean to have daughter with a grown-up body, and a mind that doesn’t quite match?

EPISODE #116: How to Not (Accidentally) Raise a Racist

What’s the best way for white parents to talk to their kids about race? We called in Dr. Brigitte Vittrup, who studies children’s racial attitudes, to help us out—and to answer questions about cringeworthy moments with your own kids.

Episode #115: The Scarlet A (UPDATE)

Dr. Pratima Gupta is a mom with the rare job combo of both delivering babies and terminating pregnancies. And in the year since we last talked to her, her job description has gotten even more interesting!