The Longest Shortest Time

EPISODE #74: The Scarlet A

What it’s like to be a mom with the rare job combo of both delivering babies and terminating pregnancies.

EPISODE #73: Love Yurts

A marriage; a miscarriage. A divorce; a guy who looks (and smells) like a caveman. All in this epic love story. (With an UPDATE to last year’s cliffhanger!)

EPISODE #72: Stuff Mom Never Told You About C-Sections

The fab research geeks at Stuff Mom Never Told You unpack the history of the cesarean. Plus, listeners share their wildly conflicting feelings over the procedure.

EPISODE #71: A Childless Man Gets a C-Section

Can a fake c-section have real emotional impact? Plus, a simple change in the procedure that erases one mom’s C-section guilt.

EPISODE #70: There’s Something About Andy

A young Mormon plays a long con on his childhood crush—in the hopes of starting a family with her.

EPISODE #69: Kids Ask Chris Gethard Unanswerable Questions

Do dinosaurs go to heaven or hell? Why don’t dogs have hands? Comedian Chris Gethard attempts to answer YOUR kids’ unanswerable questions. Plus, a surprise guest gives Hillary podcasting advice.

EPISODE #68: The Parents’ Guide to Doing It 2

Twanna Hines and Dr. Hilda Hutcherson answer YOUR questions about improving your sex lives as parents, and people.

EPISODE #67: I’ve Got News 6

Our series on accidental pregnancy continues with audience favorite Ellen Kecskemethy. Who’s got brand new news.