The Longest Shortest Time

Be Right Back

Well, maybe I was too optimistic in that last post. The last couple nights Sasha has been having trouble going down and has woken up twice each night. That’s actually a lot better than we were doing before, but still—it’s very disruptive and we only wind up getting maybe 4 hours of sleep and not […]

Leg Book: Part 1

Child and art therapists: could bookmaking be the reason we caught some Z’s?

I Need a Ninja

People keep telling me, after a couple of days with a cast, children act as if nothing is wrong. This, I have not found to be true. It’s 3 a.m. I’ve been calling LST a 3 a.m. bedside companion and I find myself needing one of my own at the moment. Nobody in this house […]

EPISODE #12: I’ve Got News

A newly married guy finds out his wife is pregnant while he’s at sea and just a few years later, to his surprise, becomes a stay-at-home dad.

EPISODE #11: Nap Boot Camp

An exasperated mom decides that her daughter WILL nap in her crib by the end of the week.

The Treachery of Swings and Slides

Going to the playground takes a lot of emotional strength. At least that’s what I’ve found. It’s actually pretty fun if we meet up with friends. But if I’m going to take Sasha by myself, I have to be in the right frame of mind. Inevitably, we’ll find ourselves at the swings beside another mom […]

The Worry Box Project

At least once a day someone tells me, “Oh, your daughter looks just like you!” Which is funny because toward the end of my pregnancy I’d have this recurring dream that she’d be born and she’d look exactly like my mother-in-law. And nobody would know she was mine. The dreams and anxieties we have about […]

EPISODE #10: My Newborn, the A**hole

My friend Kristin and I reminisce over our frequent angsty phone calls after our daughters were born. And she reveals something to me she’s never told me before.