The Longest Shortest Time

Catapult Features Us

Listener Kate Bowman-Johnston recently interviewed me for the online magazine Catapult. I could tell from her questions that she totally got LST. And her article showed me that I was right. Read about Kate’s longest shortest time here. It involves Sitz baths and crying in the bathroom. And a song to help you get through […]

EPISODE #7: Nurse, Get the Handcuffs

Thirty-four years after having me, my mom breaks down for the first time over not being able to breastfeed me.

How Were You Fed?

Here’s what I knew about myself as a newborn before I became a mom: I weighed four-and-a-half pounds (though I wasn’t a preemie); my parents took me from the hospital against doctors’ orders, before I had gained the required amount of weight to leave; and I had shockingly orange hair (I come from two brunettes). […]

EPISODE #6: Endangered Sea Turtle, Yum

A vegetarian of 22 years decides that the way to fix her son’s umbilical hernia is to start eating meat.

Show Us Your Charts!

You kept charts when your baby was first born. I know you did. Post yours in the new LST flickr pool!

EPISODE #5: Kittens Can Do It, so Why Can’t We?

A mom who finds breastfeeding stressful discovers that a machine helps her feel closer to her son.

The Perfect Latch

Sasha turned one yesterday. It made me think all kinds of things, but lately I’ve especially been thinking about nursing. How I told myself I was going to stop at twelve months. And now here we are. Twelve months. But I feel like we’ve just recently gotten the hang of this breastfeeding thing. Am I […]

The Longest Shortest Time

Nine months ago, during the last storm of the snowiest winter in Philadelphia history, my stomach began to gurgle loudly like a draining bathtub. It took about an hour to realize what this meant: my daughter finally wanted out.