The Longest Shortest Time

EPISODE #47: Your Parenting Resolutions, 2015

Turns out parents want to go easier on themselves in 2015. Or, as in our host’s case, get more combative with their offspring. Plus, we make a big show announcement!

5 Gifts You Could Buy…Or Make Out of Garbage

I’m a big fan of turning trash into toys. But I also get that it’s weird to put a bow on the recycling bin. Here’s a list of my favorite materials for homemade fun…with retail equivalents.

Kid Invention: The Coffee-Teapot!

Pre-schoolers’ backpacks are full of nonsensical scribbles. But sometimes you dig up gems. What have you found in YOUR kids’ backpacks?

Watching Other Kids Get Injured

Sasha watches a kid knock her tooth out at the same playground where she broke her leg. And like last time, she draws about it.

A Grief Counselor on Talking to Young Children About Death

Joseph Primo of Good Grief, Inc. answers my questions on how to talk to young children about death, whether or not they’ve actually encountered loss. Plus, his personal list of preferable vs unpreferable ways to die.

Do We Become Houses? + More 4-Year-Old Ideas on Death

Our morning routine: my daughter eats breakfast, gets dressed, brushes her teeth, gets in the car to go to daycare. And asks about death.

Decoding Toddler Handwriting

At first glance, toddler scrawl can look like nonsense. But underneath the mish-mosh, there may be a very simple message.

Drawing Obsession: Doors

I am convinced her doors must MEAN something. They do. And it’s not at all what I think.