The Longest Shortest Time


As I have learned in doing this project, there are all sorts of longest shortest times. And it seems I am at the start of another one of my own. A couple days ago I was going down a slide with Sasha. A slide with a sharp turn. Her foot got caught on the curve […]

Eating as Conversation

In my post for our last podcast episode I mentioned that Heidi, Tom’s wife, is a pediatric dietitian, and that she highly recommended the book How to Get Your Kid to Eat . . . But Not Too Much by Ellyn Satter. I am almost finished reading the book and I can say that it […]

Fingers and Sneakers

I just dropped Sasha off for her first day ever of school. Well, not school school. Kind of a pre-pre-school, just a couple mornings a week. I know that many of you experienced this much earlier than I have, and that your children are are away from you for many more hours than mine. So […]

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EPISODE #12: I’ve Got News

A newly married guy finds out his wife is pregnant while he’s at sea and just a few years later, to his surprise, becomes a stay-at-home dad.

Burp. Beef. Armpit.

We spend a lot of time at LST talking about the challenging parts of early parenthood—that is our mission, after all. But as I mentioned in a recent post, I thought it would be a good idea to take a moment to dwell a bit on the shortest part of the longest shortest time. You […]

LST and the Future

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Show Me the Bunnies!

A few weeks ago Sasha began to discover that there were all kinds of things in this world that I won’t let her do. Like follow a big white dog into an apartment building. Or run around the house with an open bubbles container. Or drink sunscreen from the tube (or at all). There’s been […]