The Longest Shortest Time

EPISODE #42: Peeping Mom

Most people get through postpartum depression with therapy. But for Megan Stielstra, the answer was spying on her neighbor.

EPISODE #41: How to Be a Pregnant Butch

Artist A.K. Summers on her fabulous graphic memoir Pregnant Butch, and what it’s like to try to look tough and masculine while your body is growing a baby.

EPISODE #40: Building a Better Boobie Trap

A woman fed up with her breast pump enlists 150 people to make it better. We send in a childless man to see if that’s possible.

PODCAST #39: Owner of a Holey Heart

A baby gets two holes in his heart and a Mormon stranger comes to the rescue, believing she is doing something illegal.

EPISODE #38: Pediatricians, They’re Just Like Us

Pediatrician Jessica Franklin figured she had a handle on newborns. But then she had a baby and wound up feeling like the “worst, most educated rookie ever.”

EPISODE #37: What Makes a Happy Family?

Comedian Julian McCullough’s mom left the family when he was a kid. Now that he’s got a family of his own, we talk about what makes a happy family.

EPISODE #36: Lucy & the Bike Girl

Pregnant best friends who can never meet because being in the same room could be lethal.

EPISODE #35: Picturing Her

When Giancarlo Roma was four years old, his sister Mary died the day she was born—an experience that he says trained him to write a book from the perspective of an elderly woman.