The Longest Shortest Time

EPISODE #20: I’ve Got News 5

We conclude the I’ve Got News series with the birth of Ellen’s baby . . . and the project Tom took on to cope.

EPISODE #19: The Mortality of Motherhood

A war correspondent on childbirth vs dodging a sniper.

EPISODE #18: I’ve Got News 4

Two weeks before their due date, Ellen and Tim reflect on the game of Being Awesome at Being Adult.

EPISODE #17: I’ve Got News 3

We continue our series following a young pregnant woman, this time with grandpa’s perspective.

EPISODE #16: I’ve Got News Too

Tom got news. Then more news. Now there’s even more.

EPISODE #15: What YOU Expect When You’re Expecting

A pregnant woman talks about the expectations of childbirth and early motherhood, and confronts her fears over giving birth to a boy.

EPISODE #14: And Behind Door Number Two . . .

Toilets, exposed body parts, . . . pornography?! My friend Nat shares her horror story about pumping at work.

EPISODE #13: Making Noise to Prevent More Noise

A toddler sniffs all of his Christmas presents before opening them and his mom realizes something is really wrong. What Tourette’s, OCD, and ADHD look like in a young child.