The Longest Shortest Time

Picture Books: To Help Kids Understand Death

Picture book reccos from Sarah Troop, who answered kids’ questions about death in episode 65.

EPISODE #57: Sixty-Five Women and a Baby

Remember Three Men and a Baby? Imagine if there were sixty-five of them. But college girls.

EPISODE #45: Love Yurts

A marriage; a miscarriage. A divorce; a guy who looks (and smells) like a caveman. All in this epic love story.

A Grief Counselor on Talking to Young Children About Death

Joseph Primo of Good Grief, Inc. answers my questions on how to talk to young children about death, whether or not they’ve actually encountered loss. Plus, his personal list of preferable vs unpreferable ways to die.

EPISODE #35: Picturing Her

When Giancarlo Roma was four years old, his sister Mary died the day she was born—an experience that he says trained him to write a book from the perspective of an elderly woman.

EPISODE #29: The Shortest Day

Poet Arielle Greenberg’s son Day dies 31 weeks into her pregnancy. At which point, she makes a whole bunch of choices that not many women would make, so she can emerge from stillbirth not completely broken. And . . . it works. Part 3 of a three-part series on natural birth.

When You’ve Got the Booties But No Feet to Fill ‘Em

Songs that have helped moms through miscarriage and infertility.

EPISODE #23: The Longest Longest Time

Lisa’s longest shortest time lasted 11 years. And it all went down before she even had a baby.