The Longest Shortest Time

EPISODE #223: When Andrea Silenzi Joined Mom Club

Last time we heard from Andrea Silenzi, she was navigating the wild world of sperm shopping as a single woman in her mid-30s who wanted to become a mom. Five years later, Andrea’s back with an exciting update. Hint: she’s no longer single and no longer shopping.

Episode #210: Sperm Series: I Ask a Friend

In the final episode of our three-part series “The Single Lady’s Guide to Sperm Shopping,” your host Andrea Silenzi prepares to ask a friend to be her sperm donor. How will she decide who to pick?

Episode #209: Sperm Series: I Visit a Sperm Bank

In the second of our three-part series “The Single Lady’s Guide to Sperm Shopping,” your host Andrea Silenzi heads to California Cryobank. Will she find her dream donor?

Episode #208: Sperm Series: I Download an App

In the first of our three-part series “The Single Lady’s Guide to Sperm Shopping,” your host Andrea Silenzi explores an exciting new path towards becoming a single parent. Will she find her sperm donor using… an app?

EPISODE #148: The Handoff

Have you heard? We’ve got a new host. We get to know the fabulous Andrea Silenzi, with help from some very important people in Hillary’s life. There’ll be skunks and warts and singing and… just listen.

New Host FAQ

We’ve got a new podcast host! We’re psyched. Here’s why.

EPISODE #119: Single, Female, Seeking Baby Daddy

Andrea Silenzi, host of the podcast Why Oh Why, is single, living in New York, and… looking for a man to be the father of her child. Which is tricky to bring up on a first date. So she did what any girl would do: she organized an aspiring dads focus group.