The Longest Shortest Time

Help Us Make Our Newsletter a Special Treat

We want you to consume our emails like the tastiest cupcake. Help us make our dreams come true?

Mom Tattoos by Jessie Hopeless

We have a new item in the shop, lovingly hand-drawn by Jessie from episode 76!

New Host FAQ

We’ve got a new podcast host! We’re psyched. Here’s why.

Costume Contest Winners 2017

Check out the spirit-lifting winners of our second annual #LSTHalloween contest!

IT’S A REAL MOTHER: A Series About Workplace Discrimination

The life of a working mother is a real mother. Hear our series on why this matters to everybody… and what you can do to help.

Talking with Kids About Race and Racism

Recommended resources for grown-ups and kids from writer Eula Biss.

Talking to Kids About the Birds and the Bees

Worried about how to have ‘the talk’ with your kids? Here’s our fave books and websites for getting the conversation going.

Help Us Collect Weird Parenting Wins!

Teachers, librarians, OBs, therapists, parenting group leaders! Print this flyer and invite your peeps to be a part of our forthcoming book.

Listen To LST Ad-Free!

Some of you have been asking how to pay to hear our show without ads. Now you can!

Record Your Kid’s Voice for the End of Our Show

Hey you! Yes, you! We need your kid to sing the Stitcher logo at the end of our show. (We had a fun one of these when we were on the Earwolf network and now that we’re with Stitcher, we need a new one.) Help us make a new kids’ chorus! Here how: 1. PLAY […]