Some of you have been asking how to pay to hear our show without ads. Now you can!
Hey you! Yes, you! We need your kid to sing the Stitcher logo at the end of our show. (We had a fun one of these when we were on the Earwolf network and now that we’re with Stitcher, we need a new one.) Help us make a new kids’ chorus! Here how: 1. PLAY […]
CarMax wants you to have a better commute, and one thing they think can help pass the time is engaging podcasts. (We agree.) And, yay, they put us in their Top 23 Podcasts for Commutes list! Here’s the blurb; check out the full list for a happier commute. As an Amazon Associate, The Longest Shortest […]
Help us win a People’s Voice award for Best Lifestyle Podcast. We’re up against Lena!
Yay! And they say you’ll dig us if you love TV shows about families. They really get us!
We all remember the day our kid was born. And many of us have traditions of telling the story to our kids. Well, now we wanna hear THEIR telling of their original birthday.
Invite your kids to play journalist, and ask you these simple questions on tape! (Or interview your own parents!) You could wind up on our show…
Looking for a gift for a person who has kids? Whether you’re a parent or not, we’ve got the perfect list of goodies that’ll tell your special someone that you *get them*.
Thanks, Third Coast, for the 2016 Skylarking!
Check out the cute and gory winners of our first annual #LSThalloween contest!